13-14 June 2022 researchers from FUTURED were invited to a seminar arranged by the DYNAMUS project gathering several ongoing music education research projects in Norway:
- From the OUTMUS project Jens Knigge (Nord) and Anders Rønningen (Norsk kulturskoleråd/USN) were represented.
- From the SANGBARSK project Anne Balsnes (UiA) and Liv Anna Hagen (OsloMet) were represented.
- From the UNIKUP project Bjørn-Terje Bandlien (NTNU) was represented.
- From the MUSED project Hilde Blix (UiT, Professor 2 HINN) was represented.
- From the FUTURED project Catharina Christophersen (HVL), Silje Valde Onsrud (HVL) and Jan Sverre Knudsen (OsloMet) were represented.
- From the DYNAMUS project Petter Dyndahl, Siw Graabræk Nielsen, Sidsel Karlsen, Live Weider Ellefsen, Odd Skårberg, Anne Lien-Jorhus and Kari M. Manus were represented.

Altogether these projects give updated knowledge about music education in schools, kindergarten, schools of music and performing arts, early childhood education, music teacher education and higher music education. It also involves collaboration between different music educational institutions.
During the seminar the researchers discussed several issues across the projects, such as inclusion, collaboration, and change. The last day other invited music organisations, such as Norsk musikkråd and Musikk i skolen contributed to the discussion.