Meet the researchers: Bendik Fredriksen

Bendik Fredriksen is Associate Professor in music at Oslo Metropolitan University, where he teaches music in generalist teacher education. His research interests are diverse, ranging from teacher turnover, and music didactics to the philosophy of music. He has studied musicology at the University of Oslo and has a PhD in music education from The Norwegian Academy of Music. Prior to his academic career Bendik worked as a teacher in primary and secondary school teaching music, social studies and Norwegian.

How did you get involved with the FUTURED project?
In the spring semester of 2018, I worked at HVL, campus Stord, and was invited to take part in the project.

How would you describe what you are doing in the FUTURED project?
As one of the researchers in WP2 I have conducted participatory action research, and written articles together with my colleagues.

What do you find interesting/fascinating and/or exciting about the work in your study?
In WP2 we have used participatory action research to open spaces for agency and critical reflection. During this process I have become more aware of the constraints both teacher educators and students experience, and investigating these, and try to change something has been very inspiring.

What is your favourite aspect of your research in FUTURED?
I would say the discussions we have had in the work package. When people meet (and are short of time) new ideas appear.

This interview is taking place towards the end of the project. Where are you heading for the future?
The research we have done has already changed my teaching, and I plan to investigate some of the topics we have worked with in FUTURED further.