Master and Phd course have successfully started

Both the Master and the Phd course have now successfully started, the students are positive and we look forward to learning together with them.

The Master course was kicked successfully off Monday 18th and Tuesday 19th January with 13 students from three continents enrolled. The participants represent a diversity of professional backgrounds and countries of origin, and present positions within the health and social sector. Given that we had participants joining from the UK, Sweden, Norway, Ghana, India, Philippines and Nepal, we were relieved to find that the online connections worked mostly well.

The TEL methods (PADLET, collaboration in core groups combined with focused lectures and physical activities) were successfully introduced and organised by Malin Tistad and Anna Bergstrøm, and they were much appreciated by the participants.

The Phd course started Monday and Tuesday last week with 23 participants – all living or studying in Europe. The students are well qualified and they represent an interesting diversity of professional backgrounds and contexts, as well as implementation research experience.

As with the Master course, everything went well. No technical complications, rather appraisal from students of how well everything was planned and the TEL methods used, particularly the mix between focused lectures and several opportunities to learn with and from colleagues in breakout rooms.