1st PREP IP Forum

Hosted by HAWK University of Applied Sciences and Arts, Hildesheim


On Tuesday May 24 2022 the multiplier event took place – the first Persons with Refugee Experience Education Project – Interprofessional (PREP IP) Forum titled „Making the connection: refugee health, health practitioners and competency building“. The purpose of the forum was to disseminate the project results number one (PR1): Interprofessional framework for online education of health and rehabilitation professionals working with refugees: Building on good practices. This was achieved by including presentations on these three PREP IP project products and workshops related to the topics of interprofessional cooperation and team-based learning aimed at strategies for inclusion of refugees. The forum thus provided a venue for the project team to present the framework and discuss its implication for interprofessional online education and practice for health and rehabilitation professionals working with refugees.

The forum was organized as a hybrid event at HAWK University of Applied Sciences and Arts in Hildesheim. The event information website was set up and now is the place where you can find videos of all sessions. Fifty five local participants (mainly students and lecturers from HAWK) and eleven foreign participants attended the full one-day event in Hildesheim in person. Additionally, sixty two participants from Germany and abroad (e.g. Greece, the Netherlands, Pakistan, Turkey, the UK, the USA) followed the morning session online and contributed to the Q&A session following each presentations as an informal panel discussion via chat or microphone.

The participants represented higher education institutions, service providers who work with refugees, professional organizations, and non-governmental organizations. Among them were persons with refugee experiences, representatives of international organizations working with refugees, representatives of professional interest groups students, teachers and researchers.