In the sub-project “Modelling and argumentation” we investigate the following research questions

  • How can preservice teachers’ learning about modelling contribute to developing argumentation for Critical Mathematics Education?
  • How do preservice teachers support school students to develop multi-modal argumentation through modelling activities in multilingual classrooms?

A mathematical model may briefly be explained as a mathematical representation of a phenomenon from the real world. Advanced mathematical models are formed by researchers working themselves through different modelling processes. In this project, we refer to mathematical models that are meaningful within education and have educational goals.

Critical mathematics education is the facilitation of teaching and learning processes orientated towards the goal of providing students and pupils with the opportunity to develop  their critical competence towards participating in public democratisation processes where mathematics is involved.

A multilingual classroom is here defined as a classroom where one or several, pupils, have a different language than the teaching language as their first language.

Data collections for this sub-project will be coordinated with the two other sub-projects’ collections.

Initial results, detailed in the publications connected to this sub-project, indicate that preservice teachers struggle with providing modelling tasks to school students because the students need to pose their own problems. The preservice teachers are often afraid that they do not have the appropriate mathematics knowledge to support the students when they have control over what they are investigating. Consequently, the project has developed problem starters for mathematical modelling projects that preservice teachers can use when on practicum.


Associate professor Ragnhild Hansen (sub-project leader) – Poster presentation of work in progress (November 2019) 

Associate professor Suela KacerjaPoster presentation of work in progress (November 2019)

Associate professor Inger Elin LillandPoster presentation of work in progress (November 2019)

Associate professor Beate Lode

Associate professor Maru Alamirew Guadie 

Master Students

Thurka Vasantharajan

Dybdelæring i matematikk ved arbeid med matematisk modellering

Ingri Grøtta Fanghol

Realistiske kontekster og matematisk modellering: En studie av seks læreres tanker om bruk av realistiske kontekster og matematisk modellering i egen undervisning på 1.-7. trinn.

Liv Solveig Vadset

Updated 16.06.2022