In the subproject Argumentation in the multilingual classroom we will investigate:

  • How can teachers’ learning about argumentation for critical mathematics education contribute to deep learning in mathematics in multilingual classrooms?
  • How do preservice teachers support school students in developing multimodal argumentation in multilingual classrooms?
  • How do preservice teachers change their view of “good” argument in multilingual classrooms as a result of intervention?

The multicultural classroom indicates that one or more participants ​​have a different language than that of the language of instruction. Using several languages ​​sseen in this project as a resource that students and teachers have available in mathematics learning. We will collaborate with teachers in partner schools to develop a deeper understanding of what argumentation may be for critical mathematics teaching in multilingual classes.
In data collection we will collaborate with the subprojects ICT and modeling.

Our findings have lead us to focusing on making preservice teachers aware of the resources that multilingual students bring to their mathematics learning, such as being able to communicate meaning through concrete materials, drawings and mathematical representations.  We are currently exploring how digital resources can contribute to school students’ mathematical meaning making.

As well focus on number stories has led to an understanding of how young students are more able to show their mathematical reasoning through verbal than through written descriptions. As a result we are considering how the different components of number stories contribute to quality argumentation and the kind of facilitation that teachers would need to do with school students to ensure that this quality is achieved. In undertaking this research, it is also clear that school students’ expressions of important contexts for their number stories can be challenging for teachers and teacher educators need to raise up these issues with preservice teachers.

As a result of this research, resources have been developed for teacher educators and for preservice teachers to use on practicum. These can be found on this website under the tab, Resources.


Associate professor Toril Eskeland Rangnes (Sub-project leader) – Poster presentation of work in progress (November 2019)

Associate professor dr. Silke Lekaus

Associate professor Trude FossePoster presentation of work in progress (November 2019)

Associate professor Magni Hope Lossius

Assistant professor Terje Olav Lerø

Ph.D. stipendiat (2018-2022):

Georgia KasariPoster presentation of work in progress (November 2019)


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Updated 07.08.2021