A new podcast presenting results from the FUTURED project

In August 2023 a new podcast is being launched at Western Norway University of Applied Sciences. It is called MusikkPedPodden (the music education podcast), and will mainly be in Norwegian, though a few episodes will be in English. The trailer for the podcast is already available here: https://feeds.transistor.fm/musikkped-podden This will be a podcast were current … Read more

FUTURED on the Norwegian platform for teacher education (“Lærerutdanningsportalen”)

The national platform for teacher education in Norway, hosted by the University of Stavanger, have promoted content from the FUTURED project. Here is an article about results from the project: https://www.uis.no/nb/laererutdanningsportalen/ressurser/en-musikklaererutdanning-for-framtiden Here you can read an interview with the project manager Catharina Christophersen: https://www.uis.no/nb/laererutdanningsportalen/ressurser/musikkprofessor-studentmedvirkning-viktig-for-musikkfaget-ved This link promotes the podcast episode about the project: https://www.uis.no/nb/laererutdanningsportalen/ressurser/korleis-utdanna-musikklaerarar-i-framtida

The FUTURED conference 19-20 October 2022

The FUTURED team has studied the music subject in Norwegian teacher education, both mapping the current situation, developing spaces for critical reflexivity and agency as well as developing educational practices in collaboration with pre- and in-service music teachers. Read more about the conference

Debate on Future Arts Education Competencies

Monday August 15., FUTURED’s researcher Kari Holdhus participated in a panel at Norway’s Number One discussion forum, Arendalsuka (The Arendal week), where politicians, educators and social organisations gather to discuss and debate societal and cultural issues for a whole week. This particular debate centred around which competencies that will be necessary for future schooling in … Read more

DYNAMUS seminar at Hurdalssjøen 13-14 June 2022

13-14 June 2022 researchers from FUTURED were invited to a seminar arranged by the DYNAMUS project gathering several ongoing music education research projects in Norway: From the OUTMUS project Jens Knigge (Nord) and Anders Rønningen (Norsk kulturskoleråd/USN) were represented. From the SANGBARSK project Anne Balsnes (UiA) and Liv Anna Hagen (OsloMet) were represented. From the … Read more

Silje Meling Bjørnevoll’s midway evaluation

8 June 2022 the midway evaluation of Silje Meling Bjørnevoll’s Ph.D. project was arranged by the doctoral program Studies of Bildung and Pedagogical Practices at HVL. The Ph.D. project is a case study of the practice education of a group of four music students in the five-year general teacher education program in Norway. Observations of … Read more

Meeting with advisory board and guest researchers in May 2022

11-13 May the FUTURED arranged a seminar in Bergen with advisory board and guest researchers to discuss findings from the sub studies of the project. The discussions also focused on the two last articles where findings are centred around change in one article and implications for curriculum, assessment and learning outcome in the other article. … Read more

FUTURED-contribution on the NNRME Conference 2022

Catharina Christophersen and Silje Valde Onsrud from the FUTURED project contributed to a research symposium at the Nordic Network for Research in Music Education Conference 2022 online. The theme of the symposium was “Change in/for future Nordic music teacher education”. Researchers from two other external funded projects took part: The project “Reviewing on whose terms? … Read more

Working seminar on Thorbjørnrud 16-17 March 2022

Despite well-functioning digital meetings in the research project, there is a need for physical meetings from time to time. In March the main researchers of FUTURED decided to meet somewhere between Oslo and Bergen, and chose the beautiful place Thorbjørnsrud not far from the train station of Hønefoss on the railway between Oslo and Bergen. … Read more

FUTURED represented at NERA 2021

The FUTURED project were represented at the NERA conference in Odense, Denmark 3.-5. November 2021 by Tine Grieg Viig and Silje Valde Onsrud. Silje Valde Onsrud presented a paper developed together with Hanne Rinholm and Bendik Fredriksen in WP2. The paper problematized how spaces for students’ critical reflexivity can be developed through participatory action research. … Read more